Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Let the Paper Pregnancy Begin!

So today starts the official journey to our second child. After six years of waiting and lots of prayer, Matt and I have made the decision to start the adoption process. We truly believe that God is leading us this way once again and believe our family will be completed through this process.  We know that this process will take lots of prayer on our part and the prayers of those around us.  We have faith that God's will, will be done and that it will be in his time not ours.

We have made the decision to process a domestic adoption. For us, the difficult part of this process – other than the waiting – is the expense. As some of you may know, adoption expenses include agency fees, legal fees, document preparation costs, travel expenses and much more. We are still working on fundraising ideas, but our hope is to raise as much money toward the adoption as possible. We need your help to make this adoption possible. In the coming days, I plan to post a number of fundraising ideas we will be doing and also ways you can help.

We will have very limited information for a while, but plan to keep this blog updated for our friends and family. Please check back soon and thank you all for your prayers.

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